Saturday, March 12, 2011

No repeat of Chernobyl disaster for Japan-experts

Experts said Japan can not expect a repetition of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster after an explosion blew the roof of one of the nuclear power plants in a major earthquake overwhelmed, Saturday - Brussels, March 12 (Reuters).
Daiichi Japan is a reactor north of the capital Tokyo began radiation that occurs after 8.9 earthquake caused a tsunami and quickly, raising fears of a collapse of nuclear weapons.
But experts said that the pictures of the fog on the factory are suspended only small amounts of radiation as part of measures to ensure stability, away from the cloud emitted by the Chernobyl radioactive when it exploded in 1986.
"The explosion of the No. 1 generating a Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, which was held today, there will be no repeat of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster," said Valerie Hlyhalo, deputy director of the Chernobyl nuclear safety.
He was quoted by Interfax news agency said Japan's well-protected from the Chernobyl reactor, where more than 30 firefighters were killed in the blast. As has been the worst civilian disaster in the world of nuclear, blamed for thousands of deaths caused by Chernobyl radiation-related diseases.
"Said Hlyhalo except that these reactors are designed to work in the area of ​​high seismic activity, but what happened is beyond the reach of the factory is designed to withstand.
"Therefore, no serious consequences to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster."
Sound basic
Japanese officials said Saturday that the core of a nuclear reactor was unaffected and is pumped into the sea water in the reactor to cool the flow and relieve pressure on the unit - a statement to allay any fears.
Experts said it was important to ensure the steel reactor vessel break in the blast or an earthquake.
"If the pressure vessel, which is in fact something that all nuclear fuel ... and if they break - which is essentially what happened in Chernobyl - you get the release of radioactive material great," says Professor Paddy Reagan, nuclear physics from the University of Surrey British.
"It seems from the pictures broadcast by the TV ... as if the ship itself."
Images and an explosion in a large building in the area of ​​establishments with Daiichi nuclear reactor. Gray smoke billowed from the country and was later in the building with no outside walls.
It was Robert Grimes, a professor of materials physics at Imperial College in London, said earlier that it seems not allowed to back-up generators to build pressure.
"It seems that back-up generators, although it started in the beginning of the work, and then fail," said Grimes told BBC television, adding that the blast was probably greater than that the release of pressure.
"If it is we are not in bad conditions like this ... In spite of the external damage of the structure, as long as the tank internal hard drive is still intact, the bulk of the radiation to be received.
Most experts said the relatively minor damage in the reactor was a sign of improved security situation of nuclear energy, it seems a thing of the Governments to adopt technology in recent years despite the fears of environmentalists.
"We have to remember that there are 55 reactors in Japan and became a major earthquake, and a test of stability and strength of nuclear plants that seem to have withstood the impact very well," said Reagan.

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