Saturday, March 12, 2011

Chernobyl: EU, EBRD beg for funds to secure nuclear disaster site

Chernobyl, Ukraine - With the 25 anniversary of the world's worst nuclear accident approaches, international agencies and strives to locate the next big project funds to deal with the legacy of financial disaster.
In reactor No. April 26, 1986, and four in the Soviet Union at the Chernobyl nuclear power, exploded about 60 miles north of Kiev, in choosing the mismanagement of security systems, resulting in the deaths of countless numbers of both direct effects and delayed as a result of radiation poisoning and forcing thousands to evacuate their homes.
European Union and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and is now leading a campaign arc steel giant reactor exploded and "coffin", which was hastily erected over the precipitation takes contain radiation on target.
But they still have some € 740000000 (1 billion U.S. dollars) for this project, which just started, and has doubled in cost to almost € 1500000000 (2 billion U.S. dollars). The funding will not allow current to continue to work early next year. It was originally planned that the project ends in April 2014, but is now re-evaluated.
For this reason, the European Union and the European Bank held a conference of donors before the anniversary of the incident to mobilize significant support from governments and international organizations.
"It is difficult to mobilize [these figures], but I have reasonable confidence can be achieved," said Jean-Paul Joulia, head of the European Commission for Nuclear Safety, at an event recently for international journalists. "I think that the international community to accomplish this project."
Is laced with urgency a special plan. According to Vince Novak, director of the Bank of nuclear safety, design life runs the coffin 'in 2016. "Despite this extension of date to some extent - the walls are reinforced with a steel truss - the building is still unstable disturbing.
"This is a security problem is very serious," he said.
Inside the coffin about 200 tons of nuclear fuel - almost all of the amount originally contained in a nuclear reactor - which is now included in building a "new history" itself.The arch designed to last for 100 years, that the Ukrainian authorities (the ultimate responsibility for carrying Chernobyl) enough time, the reactor block and break the coffin. When you are finished, and will be one of the ambitious engineering achievements in the world and the largest ever building structure-borne: 110 feet (or 120 meters, high enough to cover the Statue of Liberty), 250 meters and 165 meters. It will be equipped inside with a large number of robots, cranes, and a number of wanted to do the work in reducing disassembly. Undo containment arc built on the site of the coffin.
At the present time, however, the Ukrainian government lacks the funds to do at the end of the day away with the structures of radiation saturated. Although, in theory, the technology already exists today for the Ukrainians to destroy and completely bury the Chernobyl nuclear waste deep underground, and European authorities hope that the time period will allow the methods of a more "cost effective".
"One hundred years gives enough time for the Ukrainian to deal with problems," Novak said in the bank.
During a visit by the media mid-February by the European Union and the European Bank International Press to verify the details of the arc of new - and to raise awareness of the donor conference for April - lines of the first power in the construction site of the arch and emerge from the snow as spring shoots. On both sides of the coffin a heavy black mass, the two specific channels have been developed. This trail is along the arc can move into place.
Visits to Chernobyl in fact, something normally - even mundane. And travel agencies to offer flights from the exclusion zone, and this year started the Ukrainian government official matches. Panicked and visitors travel guide pregnancy camera near the nuclear plant and radioactive Pripyat and the community together in the bedroom were evacuated peak shortly after (but not all that after a brief period) and the reactor number four of the bladder. They see signs there, even after 25 years, and life abandoned in a matter of hours: shops are full of (non-perishable (goods, entertainment and the new building by the Park was never used for the glorification of the Soviet slogans glorious future.
Despite the regularity of visits, and the presence of more than 2000 people in shifts for 15 days there, and the danger is of course still exist. Thought levels of radiation, it decreased significantly, and hundreds of times higher than normal - which is fine, experts say, as long as you are prone to short periods. Is infused with the same article of radioactive particles - a fact pointed Holosha Volodymyr, head of the Ukrainian Department of the exclusion zone of 20 miles.
"God loves you - a lot of snow on the ground," he told a gathering of reporters before leaving for Kiev, Chernobyl.

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