Saturday, March 12, 2011

Three Mile Island Accident: Worst U.S Nuclear Power Plant Accident

There were three incidents Mile Island at 4:00 on Wednesday, March 28, 1979. On that day, was released by the collapse of part in a large station 2 of the Three Mile Island nuclear radioactive gas too.
This incident has caused almost 150,000 people volunteered to leave the state of Pennsylvania. Twenty hours after the incident began, authorities claimed that the Three Mile Island nuclear plant under control.
In 1981, people who are released from a lawsuit against three Mile Island, and the final settlement of $ 25,000,000.
Although no direct victim, and the process of cleaning a eleven years and the cost of U.S. $ 1 billion. Cause the health effects of radiation, some cases of cancer for those who lived within a radius of 10 miles.
Japan's participation caused the 8.8 earthquake and tsunami explosion in Daiichi nuclear plant power (story here) that make people cope with the United States Chernobil nuclear accident.
To read more details about the accident at Three Mile Island, check out this Wikipedia article ....

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