Saturday, January 1, 2011

Neil Patrick Harris reveals his many resolutions

Personally, I do not make any New Year resolutions, but I happy Neil Patrick Harris has decided on a Twitter!

Here they are

Neil New Year resolutions, part 1: return e-mail and text messages on time. 43 minutes ago via Twitter for phone

Neil on New Year's Resolutions, Part 2: Yoga, very. Long, lean muscles. Smooth and clearly something is. 29 minutes ago via Twitter for phone

Neil on New Year's Resolutions, Part 3: Try not to offend the age of soap stars, especially when you are the same network. 5 minutes ago via Twitter for phone

New Year's resolutions Nile, Part 4: send more thank you notes. It takes only a few minutes, a nice gesture too. 12 minutes ago via Twitter for phone

Neil on New Year's Resolutions, Part 5: Learn to speak the child. 1 day ago via Twitter for phone...

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