Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tyler Hamilton says he saw Lance Armstrong inject EPO

Tyler Hamilton In an interview with CBS 60 minutes show this Sunday, Lance Armstrong's former teammate Tyler Hamilton, the finger points to win seven times and show Tour de France and accused him of EPO to win at least the first three of those games. Hamilton, World Health Organization today announced the team the United States Postal Service (USPS) between 1995 and 2001, and the ride to support Armstrong in Tours in 2000 and 1999 and 2001. It was at that moment he saw Armstrong used EPO and other drugs.
"I did not [Armstrong] What all of us ... Most of the squad," said Hamilton, according to CBS News. "It was the office ... ... testosterone blood transfusion."
Hamilton went Asked specifically what he saw as the corresponding Scott Pelley, the accusations against the winner of the detailed tour seven times.
"I saw [the EPA] in the refrigerator for him," he said. "I saw him spray it several times if we were all, as I said many times."
Hamilton's argument about a year to the day after that of Floyd Landis, who many allegations against Armstrong doping. While both riders spent time with Armstrong at USPS, and they were not friends, as Landis joined the team in 2002.

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