Monday, May 9, 2011

This Week In Movies by Pete Hammond “Thor”

Hammond “Thor” Walked the Hollywood summer season continues with this week in the hope of the bomb of the week, and the opening of a bull for $ 66000000 good, through ticket prices 3D inflated, but still looking good, if not spectacular results Marvel usual, such as cooperation between the latest animated film Moving the company and the distributor (Disney receives) Paramount Pictures. Of course, just last year, Iron Man 2, Marvel and nominal received $ 128,000,000 in a similar time period, more than half of the bull, but it was a sequel to a great success. Thor is just the first of hope for the franchise.Given that the bull is already looking better Aziz with a massive 242 million dollars in just 11 days. Not bad. Of course, success means the box office last week, the giant bull, and was quick to drop the five-second drop was not so much, a huge 62% of the estimate 32500000 $, maar'n total worldwide crash of $ 325,000,000 so far. And can finish this one-two punch of performance and Thorsten quick five Hollywood slowly give signs of great encouragement to the fall of 2011 the money and we can see strong signs of an abundance of wine.

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