Sunday, May 15, 2011

NPR Picks up on Harold Camping

Harold Camping is not the first person to set a date for the end of the world to solve them. All they did was there are dozens of such prophets, and even now, on an error. Camping itself has done some recalculation. Expected to come until the end of September 6, 1994. He explains now that he has completed his study of the Bible.
Hagerty: Well, you do not plan on May 22?
G. Camping: .. Oh, this will not happen at all and there is no alternative plan.
Hagerty: I asked dozens of his followers of the same question in the camp. He said everyone in the possibility that a nice May 21 will come and go without, however, is a crime against God. They hope that all will enjoy it. Some, like Kevin Brown, do not worry about leaving behind.

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