James Durbin In an unexpected turn of events, he returned rocker James Durbin to Santa Cruz today to celebrate the return to the homeland. Sar "Durbin today," will include a visit to Durbin's former group "children in the Broadway" play, with the College of Santa Cruz High marching band and stood on the shore of Santa Cruz corridor, where close friends of the old Durbin White Album band for three songs on the boardwalk the beach and the theater.
"In the beginning, because American Idol has shown that James of Santa Cruz supports it to make it three finals because of obligations to demonstrate," said Chris Reese, director of public relations in the corridor of Santa Cruz Beach. "Following the results of Thursday night, we had a strong appeal to American Idol, which allowed him to return to the homeland of Santa Cruz as planned to attend. Idol finally agreed," he added.
"Our society is very proud of James," said Santa Cruz Mayor Ryan Coonerty. "We are delighted that the American Idol, and this is the exception to allow him to return to Santa Cruz very welcome," he said.
James on the Santa Cruz and saw all over the world. Disappointment that phone calls and e-mail messages flooded in the morning, Santa Cruz County Conference and Visitors Council Santa Cruz City Hall, Santa Cruz beach and boardwalk of Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce Durbin fans from as far away as Singapore office on the night of the previous results.
"In the beginning, because American Idol has shown that James of Santa Cruz supports it to make it three finals because of obligations to demonstrate," said Chris Reese, director of public relations in the corridor of Santa Cruz Beach. "Following the results of Thursday night, we had a strong appeal to American Idol, which allowed him to return to the homeland of Santa Cruz as planned to attend. Idol finally agreed," he added.
"Our society is very proud of James," said Santa Cruz Mayor Ryan Coonerty. "We are delighted that the American Idol, and this is the exception to allow him to return to Santa Cruz very welcome," he said.
James on the Santa Cruz and saw all over the world. Disappointment that phone calls and e-mail messages flooded in the morning, Santa Cruz County Conference and Visitors Council Santa Cruz City Hall, Santa Cruz beach and boardwalk of Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce Durbin fans from as far away as Singapore office on the night of the previous results.
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