Tuesday, March 22, 2011

O'REILLY FACTOR: Katie Couric Is "Gone" At CBS

Ever since Katie Couric left her longtime gig at The Today Show to replace Dan Rather as the anchor of the CBS Evening News in 2006, she has been a lightening rod of controversy, from her interview with then Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, to her ratings, to her salary.
And now that her contract up in June, there has been a very healthy amount of speculation about whether or not CBS would keep Couric on or whether she would wind up somewhere else, like ABC.
Bernie Goldberg appeared on The O'Reilly Factor last night to discuss how he thought the media would cover the Obama administration's attack on Libya. At the end of the interview, O'Reilly asked Goldberg, who used to work for CBS News, to give his prediction about what would happen to Couric.
His prediction: "She's gone."
“When they hired her, five years ago, and paid her fifteen million a year, they did it for only one reason, only one reason: to get the ratings up. She lost three million viewers in those five years."
"As the anchorwoman of the CBS News, when her contract is up, she is out.”
Of course, Goldberg is not speaking with any inside information, not that that ever stops anyone from weighing in.

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