Friday, March 25, 2011

HOME'S COOL Life Without School!

Well, today was sort of a modified/relaxed school day. Alexa and Ben both have sore throats, sound hoarse and generally don't feel well, and I was feeling rather run down myself all day.

We got some stuff done here and there for school but it was sort of like: Do something, take a long break. Do something else, take a long break. Skip this, skip that. Do something else. Take a break.

After breakfast, the day's first medicine dosage and relaxing with a bit of TV, I did have Alexa do today's Teaching Textbooks math lesson around 9:15ish.

She took a break, relaxed, watched more TV, then we reviewed spelling by chanting the letters of the words while tossing a throw pillow back and forth, in preparation for tomorrow's quiz.

We took another break, and then I read aloud to her from “The Midwife's Apprentice” while she ate a snack, for our 52 Books In 52 Weeks Challenge (see sidebar to left).

She had finished her beading project yesterday, so her dad worked on trying to figure out how to finish it off, something that was difficult considering we lost the instructions that came with the loom. It was surprisingly hard to find some decent instructions online. But eventually he got it tied off, off the loom, and we found a black leather bracelet that came with some decorating kit- where the kids could put sequins and rhinestones and fabric paint and so on onto the bracelets. We decided we'd try to attach the bead bracelet Alexa made to this leather bracelet, and then she'd have a bracelet with a clasp. We didn't get so far as attaching it though (and we are hoping hot glue works rather than having to try to stitch it on! We'll see.....

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