Thursday, March 24, 2011

Barry Manilow's memories of Elizabeth Taylor

When the AIDS epidemic began, and I lose all my friends about it. One of my friends, personal assistant, right now I work for Elizabeth. Made on the end of the day as a suicide bomber and Elizabeth and I got very close on that day. We still have some. I did that many friends contract the disease, and he decided to something about it and have lunch (awareness). "But one can not help him. He told me ek'm done and everyone has left me. " Asked me, I can say yes, and they broke into tears, which I did. Even in a group at this point I only. I played piano and sang for one hour, however. It is always very grateful. Twenty years each June, my birthday he sent me a great thing to gardenias and loves everyone .. I have eight different places all over them home. ... It is also more ill, and was really bad, the last great movie star .. ... His laughter, and that all that I can remember Elizabeth. Walk, and when he came to eat, like a goddess and beyond. Will be the mouth of the gods' laughter, the chatter to come.This is a very elegant, and a man look at Princess. "

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