Friday, February 11, 2011

George Strait and Reba McEntire Concert

If you buy to see George Strait and Reba McEntire perform together on 26 March at United Nations Headquarters Spirit Arena, Tickets are on sale now!
Select a country Lubbock is where you can get your tickets to see the two together with a special guest and Mac that I have. What will appear to be! George Strait has more than one number per capita of any other artist in history. And Reba McEntire is one of the most successful female singers, it does not really know the name of the past, people know who you're talking. This is renown. Their special guest, Leeann and Mac, and two Grammys.
If you do not want to buy a ticket by selecting the country site to Lubbock, then you can go to the store to select the site for Lubbock:
Civil Center Middle Infantry Division, Texas Tech University Student Union box office, Dollar Western Wear, Ralph Records, Records & Tapes, and all the supermarket the United States.

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