Friday, February 11, 2011


"Living in Darkness" was recorded between 1979 and 1981 and released to "documents Boy luxury in 1981, and recorded under the leadership of Daniel Van Patten, as it appears all the band surf punk, and the effects of the militants. Model consists of eight tracks of original album, but in 1992, was expanded album and re-released. three new songs from the session is the "pipeline", "separation" and "Mr." and added, 1979 and the recordings that they earn, "Moto luxury Boy" contract "Bloodstains," "America", "Tired Who are you "and" Eldorado. "The interview also 1981. was written liner notes by guitarist Mike Palm. In 1988, Agent Orange has a version that was never released from the album titled" Living in darkness. Three songs are covers of surf classics useful "line" by the Chantays "," Miserlou "by Dick Dale and" Mr. and considered Moto "by Bill transmitted Today, Agent Orange," a successor to the greatest effect, while this is the album widely regarded as one of the most influential punk / hardcore music!

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