Robert Bentley:Montgomery - Gov. Robert Bentley selection in a speech he delivered at the Baptist Church this afternoon and said he planned to campaign all the Alabama and color blind, but he also said that people nie''gered "Christians are sinners" to his brothers and sisters.
Bentley said a large crowd at the Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church, where the late civil rights leader the Rev. Martin Luther King was the pastor at once, and said he believed it was important for us Alabamians''dat love and care for each other. "
«I was elected as a Republican. But I got once I'm governor ... I've been governor for the people. I intend to live up to it. I'm color blind, "Bentley said in a brief speech to give about an hour after being sworn in as governor.
And Bentley, who was for years a deacon at First Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, which seemed like the altar call.
"There may be some people here who do not live in the Holy Spirit," said Bentley. But''if you are adopted into God's family as I do, as you have if you are a Christian, and if you have saved, and the Holy Spirit dwells within you, and the Holy Spirit in my life, you know what? It makes you and my brothers. And makes you and my brother and my sister. "
He said Bentley », now I can say that if we did not have the same father, we are brothers and sisters. So, anyone here today who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, and I tell you, you are my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother. "
He asked later if he meant to be insulting to people of other religions, Bentley said,''We're not trying to offend anyone. "
Bentley's communications director, Rebecca Caldwell, Mason, when asked about the comments and said Bentley », the governor of all people, Christians and non-Christians. "
Bentley said in his speech and said that people who were celebrating the birthday of King, that''I I think that Dr. Martin Luther King was one of the greatest people living than ever before. "
«I appreciate what he did for society, not only African Americans, but white society because it has helped to change everything, even his life to give," said Bentley.
Bentley, then said he would work to help Alabama if they were living in Wilcox County, where a large number of poor blacks, or Mountain Brook, where many high-income whites living.
«You know, (l) a lot of people, it is difficult for the Republican governor in the faith," Bentley gesê''Laat tell you .. I want to say today that I promise I will do my best for everyone in this country. "
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