Thursday, December 9, 2010

What is Facebook Number Game?

What is Facebook Number Game? :Facebook numbers in status: what is the Facebook number game? And more importantly, when will it end?

Facebook numbers in status updates have swept both Facebook and Twitter, but what is the number game on Facebook?

If you see numbers on Facebook, you may be scratching your head to figure out what’s going on… and/or you may just be plain annoyed if you’re not playing along!

The Facebook number game has users requesting random numbers from their friends, which they then use to write things both good and bad about each person, while only identifying them by a number.

So, the idea of the Facebook numbers in status trend is anonymity because none of your other friends know who you’re talking about.

Have you tried out the Facebook number status game? Do you think it’s a fun diversion, or is seeing all of the random numbers in your feed annoying you?

As any Facebook meme goes, it will eventually end… once people have had their go at it and it runs its course.....

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