Saturday, December 25, 2010

Nick Cassavetes to Direct John Gotti Jr. Movie

John Gotti Jr., son of Peter Gotti, grandson "without Teflon" (no, not Ricky Rozay) admitted to John Gotti pleaded guilty to possession of pellet gun when he and his friends to shoot a gun at a group of children on Halloween night. But it seems also that it can Wuxi on his friends.

Arrested Gotti, the son of Peter Gotti, Jr., with three colleagues at the Palestine Branch 207 Howard Beach, Queens on October 31 after he allegedly fired the gun into a crowd of children.

Police later revealed to them the name of Guti puller - the trigger. But noted that Mandelbaum in the case of the other three children had rejected the charges against them. "so you can" rat "comment to throw out the window, " he said.

What Gotti is trying to tell us is that everything's ok to pinch your case has already rejected? I do not think that going to seriously.....

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