Monday, December 6, 2010

Fergie: 'Touring with the Peas Is Like Touring With a Big Fraternity'

Fergie:She said: “I have a tour bus when we're in the US. I have my team on one bus, because I don't go out as much as the boys.
When I first joined the group I tried to keep up, but I'm a girl and I try to be a lady. I just can't go out as much as the boys do. So I leave at a different time and go to the gym and am responsible.

Touring with the Peas is like touring with a big fraternity. I'm lucky, I get to be the little mascot and once in a while go out with the boys and do it up. But I'm all about balance.”

Fergie also admitted she understands little about the business side of the recording industry and even gets her parents and therapist to listen in on her telephone calls to help her make sense of what is being discussed. She told Billboard magazine:
You know what? The business side of it? That's not my cup of tea. Will's great at it. He thrives on it. It's just not my personality. I want to get straight to the art. I have my business team explain it to me. I actually have conference calls where I have my mom and dad on the phone, my accountant, my lawyer... Once in a while, I even have my therapist on these calls. I'm not kidding.

I'm very cut to the chase; that's my personality. I don't like to speak in circles. So when people do that I'm trying to find out, ‘OK, guys, what are we really talking about here?’ So my therapist listens in.

It's very important to make informed decisions. I can be very impulsive, which is great as an artist but not as a businesswoman. So I have to slow down and surround myself with a great support team.”

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