Wednesday, December 1, 2010

DHS Spying on Drudge

DHS Spying on Drudge:Today’s Google Bomb… PASS THIS LINK WITH THE WORDS - “DHS Spying on Drudge ‎”DHS Spying on Drudge” is being blocked by Google news RIGHT NOW. Help push this story just like the TSA story! INFOWAR!!!! Get Involved. Use your Facebook for something other than amusement. GOOGLE BOMB… “DHS Spying on Drudge” Post this link:

A Freedom of Information Act request filed by former Congressman Bob Barr seeks to discover whether the Department of Homeland Security has been keeping tabs on the Drudge Report and other prominent media outlets who have spearheaded a nationwide revolt against invasive TSA airport security measures.

The FOIA request, filed by Barr’s Liberty Guard organization (PDF here), demands that the Transportation Security Administration, an agency of the DHS, turn over all information related to “Matt Drudge,” “,” along with other media personalities and websites that have been at the center of the TSA controversy, including “Alex Jones, “John Tyner” and “”.

The request seeks to ascertain whether any of these names have been linked with the term “domestic extremist,” in reference to a reported TSA memo that was leaked last week which, according to Doug Hagmann, “officially addresses those who are opposed to, or engaged in the disruption of the implementation of the enhanced airport screening procedures as ‘domestic extremists’.”

Numerous confirmed memos originating out of federal or state law enforcement agencies, such as the infamous MIAC report, have listed conservatives and libertarians as “domestic extremists” and even potential domestic terrorists for opposing big government and supporting Constitutionally-minded campaigns and causes.

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