Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Army Navy Game

I am a liberal Democrat who is opposed to the War in Afghanistan, was against the War in Iraq, and protested against the Vietnam War years ago. I guess you could call me a pacifist. But I love watching the Army-Navy game.

I fill up with pride every time I see the Navy Midshipmen of the United States Naval Academy (Annapolis, Maryland) in their formal blues and the Army Cadets of the United States Military Academy (West Point, New York) in their gray uniforms march onto the field for the annual Army-Navy football match-up.

It doesn't matter if you are conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican, male or female. Everyone I know believes in supporting and praising our brave troops. One can disagree with war policy but still appreciate the sacrifices our soldiers and their families make for our country.

My father is an ex-Marine who served in Iwo Jima during World War II. I feel we Americans can never repay him and his generation of war heroes for what they have done, not just for this nation, but the world......Read More

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